If you are looking for a resource to help with meal planning, these printables are for you. Take the guesswork out of what you will eat each day while saving money. This guide will also help you keep track of your family's favorite foods and have a sheet to list new recipes to try.
There are pages for:
- Monthly, weekly, and daily menu plans to help break down how to be the most efficient at planning
- Family favorites and a resource for new recipes for inspiration when planning
- Grocery lists and inventory sheets (with expiration dates)
- 2 free pages from my other e-book called, The Ultimate Keto Guide to Keep Carbs Under 10 Gram
Questions and Answers
Are there refunds? With the nature of the product being an e-product, there are no refunds.
How much is this? $1.25
I noticed the selling link sends me to a gumroad website. Is this the correct page and is it correct? You are seeing things correctly and yes it’s a safe place to put your information in. My product is on the gumroad website, which is a place that helps me to be able to sell to others. To learn more about gumroad and buying on their site, check out their video here. A guide to buying on Gumroad.
What happens after I make the purchase? You will get an email from me with a link that will take you to a page on gumroad to allow you to download the pdf printables. For more information check out this page. How do I access my purchase?
If you are looking for a macro template for creating your meal plan, I've got one. This template will auto-populate the macros and calories for you. It's loaded with 100+ keto foods already, with the ability to add more.
If you want even more help on what to eat while keeping total carbs below 10, check out my other e-book. The Ultimate Keto Guide to Keep Carbs Under 10 Grams.